Update: All I Want Chapter 12 (PG-13)

All I Want For Christmas

All I Want (5,596 words) by forever

Read on FF.net or AO3

Chapters: 12/?
Fandom: Candy Candy
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Albert/Candy
Characters: William Albert Andrew, Candice White
Additional Tags: Romance, Modern Era, Alternate Universe, Prequel, Fluff and Angst

Power and wealth amount to nothing when it comes to love, and nobody knows that better than William Albert Andrew, a man of eminent rank in the business world. Yet he will stop at nothing when a second chance at an old love appears. Can he right the wrong he did in the past and finally grasp the love he once lost?

What do you know? An update, just as the weekend approaches 😀

My apology for the lack of updates. I know I haven’t posted the featured article for this week—I’ll do that when I get a chance hopefully over the weekend. I don’t have much time right now as I need to get ready for bed. But I want to make sure I deliver this right away. I hope it can compensate for the delay.

Till next time 🙂

Random Rambling

My apology for the lack of updates. I’ve been out of town the last few weeks, so it has been difficult to work on anything. Way too many distractions.

But I’m pleased to say that I could still manage to sneak in a bit time here and there to keep writing. Heh! That’s the perk of using my phone for my writing. I can write anytime as long as I have the phone with me. I especially find it useful for capturing ideas that suddenly spring into my mind. I can jot them down right away without having to wait until I have access to my laptop. However just like any system, it’s not perfect. It comes with its own set of limitations. Since the platform that I’m using is a very primitive one—it’s just a simple note program without any real word processing capability—editing can be quite challenging. In addition, the small screen and the nonexistent keyboard for typing are not exactly forgiving and can lead to various ailments, from blurry eyes to strained wrist and hands. Oh well, at least it works for me now.

Speaking of writing, I decided to release Awakening in shorter segments. Hopefully by doing it this way it would facilitate the writing process as well as make it easier to read. Because way too many times, I’ve found myself trapped in a chapter that refuses to be written to completion. Sheessh…. sometimes I wish I could write shorter chapters. Anyway, chapter 12 is almost ready. Yes. Really 😀

One final thing before I sign off, in my last post I mentioned about the problem I’m currently encountering with Reverie security issue. Unfortunately, I have no good news to share since I barely had a chance to work to resolve the issue. Hence, for a short period, I will allow public access to the restricted manga rambling articles. I will post an announcement to inform you of the article that will be featured. Only one article will be posted per week, and each will be available for access only for a week. So you may want to keep an eye on them.

That’s all for now. I’m hopeful I’ll be able to post a more substantial update soon. This week is shaping up to be less hectic than the previous ones, and that should provide me with a bit more free time. However, next week is going to be bad, very bad. I guess I’ll just keep moving forward at whatever pace that’ll work and continue writing.

Till next time,


An update, sort of (and a little Teaser)

Not a real update but the real one is coming soon. Really 🙂

A few things.

First, do you know what happens on March 20th? It’s the 6th anniversary of Ninety Days. Yes, it has been that long. The first chapter was released in ff.net on that day six years ago. I still can’t believe that I could finish writing it to the final chapter in less than two-year period. It became my very first completed series. However, I’m not very proud that I failed to keep my word to deliver the epilogue. Well, at least, I started the sequel, Forever and a Day. Anyway, to commemorate the special event, I decided to post Forever and a Day on ff.net. This is something that I planned to do from a while back since the series was created. Having said that, I have no plan to make any changes to the series I posted on Reverie. All the chapters are still available there. But for those of you who prefer to read stories on ff.net, now you have that option.


I still plan to upload all of my stories to Reverie. Even though the process has been excruciatingly slow, it’s moving along smoothly. “Chasing William Andrew” is slated to go up next. In addition, I’ll also upload non CC stories that belong in the Scribble Pad section. The story index page is up, but the links are not.


Regretfully, all requests for a Reverie account have been put on hold until further notice. This is because of the critical security problem I discovered when I was in the process of reviewing the new requests. Before the issue can be resolved, I will not activate any new account. I hope you understand. I’ll think of an alternate measure to circumvent the unfortunate situation, maybe along the line of allowing temporary public access for selected articles. I’ll update you more on this.


Now let’s move to the more fun stuff 🙂 I’m feeling rather happy today. Not only that I managed to make great progress with my writing, but I also accomplished everything I set out to do at work last week. I know I’ve not posted any new updates, and you’re probably wondering about that. To compensate for that, here’s a little something to whet your appetite. So now you know what to expect in the next chapter. Enjoy 😀

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Random Writing Rant

I can’t believe that the week has flown by so fast, and the new week has just commenced. Has it felt like time has been moving faster and faster? That’s probably a good reminder that we should spend our time wisely, whenever possible devoting it to our loved ones.

Finally, I can say that I almost regain my health. My voice is mostly back to normal now, not hoarse or croaky anymore. No more fever, headaches, body aches, and all kinds of aches. The pesky sniffles and occasional coughing are still there though. But those aren’t so bad. I can manage to function with them, for now.

As I mentioned in the previous post, because of the flu I was able to do some writing. That’s good, of course. But somehow the plot bunnies have come out in droves. LOL. I guess it’s true when they say “when it rains it pours.” I know I shouldn’t complain, especially after being inflicted by the super extended dry spell that forced me to go into hiatus.

Still, it’s a bit overwhelming as I attempted to tackle writing 3 stories at the same time. Apart from featuring Albert and Candy as the protagonists, all 3 are completely different in tone, narrative style, and underlying plot and premise. It surely presented a dilemma. But this problem is nothing new for seasoned and amateur writers alike. I’ve even ranted about it once in 2014. (But can you believe it? 2014? That’s like 4 years ago! Although my last update wasn’t that far back—it was in 2016. So that was 2 years ago. Not that bad ;))

Initially I wanted to concentrate on one story at a time, in particular All I Want, as only a few chapters remaining for the prequel section. But somehow that didn’t work out so well. So I decided to just write based on which plot bunny stories came out and played that day. It was still challenging. There was a time when all 3 decided to jump out of their hiding places, causing me to frantically typing right and left. To be honest, I don’t think this will drag on for a long period of time; there’s even a very low probability for it to make it past summer. For that reason, I should take advantage of it as much as I can and keep the momentum going while it’s still there. This means there will be updates, but they maybe scattered across different stories and perhaps some other form of writings —I just want to give you a fair warning 😀

I’ve also been contemplating about releasing chapters in small portions, which is something I had done in the past before with Ninety Days. Now that I’m back to work, perhaps I should really do that, as the time I can dedicate to writing has dwindled significantly.

Anyway, here are the 3 stories on the top of my list that I’m currently working on:

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More on Plagiarism

Did I Plagiarize? The Types and Severity of Plagiarism Violations

Take a look at the flow chart above from Visually.

A great tool for writers and readers alike.

Writers can use the chart to verify the authenticity of their works to ensure that they haven’t inadvertently plagiarized someone else’s work. Readers can use the chart to guide them to spot a plagiarized work.

I like the (somewhat cute) graphical index that measures the seriousness of the offense, and how thorough the assessment is, that it even checks for self-plagiarism.

Self-plagiarism? Yes, apparently, copying your own work without proper citation to said work is considered another form of plagiarism. Did you know that?

I didn’t know that either. Well, now I do.

Author’s Rant: Plagiarism

If you expect to read one of my whimsical ramblings, this one isn’t it.

Apparently, I have been a victim of plagiarism.

Let me just say how disappointed I was when I stumbled upon a post that was very similar to mine in content. Not word per word but the key elements were there.

Oh let me rephrase that.

I wasn’t disappointed. I was OUTRAGED.  And I still am.

It began on one beautiful Sunday afternoon when the aforementioned post suddenly appeared on my facebook newsfeed due to one of the people in my friends list liking it. If said friend hadn’t liked it, I wouldn’t know.

In reality, this wasn’t the only time it happened. The first time it happened, I thought it was just a simple coincidence, so I winked it and moved on. The second time made me wonder. Still, I gave it the benefit of the doubt. Great minds think alike after all. But the third? That’s just way too many occurrences to be classified as a coincidence, and there’s the convenient timing at which these new posts seem to materialize, all appearing after the publication of mine, that made me doubt more. I knew then I’ve been had.

Do you know what is plagiarism?

If you don’t, here’s the dictionary definition:

“the act of using another person’s words or ideas without giving credit to that person : the act of plagiarizing something”

And then there’s this, which is specified as the definition for Kids:

“an act of copying the ideas or words of another person without giving credit to that person”

Both definitions were taken directly from the Merriam Webster Online Dictionary.

You see, the general definition doesn’t only cover the written part of the work but also the ideas, the thoughts that go into the work. This is the part where a lot of people seem to miss, that it has turned into a huge blind spot which can easily be used by some opportunistic individuals to their own benefits. They think ‘borrowing’ ideas is acceptable; and they’re free to use those ideas as long as they present them in their “own” words, in a different way from which the original ideas were extracted. Well, it’s NOT if the proper credit is not given, according to the definition above. Stealing is stealing. And that’s a serious offense in my book.

I have no tolerance for plagiarists, in particular the repeat offenders. These people have no respects for other people, and I doubt they even possess a conscience. I refuse to call them writers or authors–they’re NOT. They’re copycaters, idea snatcher, or just plain thieves.

I believe it’s the writers responsibility to verify the originality of their own works. Real writers take pride in their creations, the fruit of their creative minds, and they’ll take the extra efforts to do research to ensure their works don’t plagiarize others. Fake writers, on the other hand, have no regards for originality whatsoever. They’ll do anything for the sake of gaining popularity, even if it means resorting to a thievery act. What a shame!

This is the first time I’ve ever written such a caustic public post. But I’ve had enough. This must be done. I’ve invested way too much time, energy, and more to search for topics and gather the supporting materials to just let someone swoop in and take them as though they’re free for grabs. It needs to stop. To deter future incidents from occurring and to protect my intellectual properties, I have no choice but to implement some counter measures to the site immediately–so expect to see more changes to the site soon.

Despite the reproachful tone, I hope this post makes you become more aware of what constitutes plagiarism and know how to recognize it so that you can protect yourself and other writers from falling victim to one–and more importantly not to become a plagiarist yourself. And please don’t ever reward those thieves. What they do is completely wrong. It’s a serious offense; although it’s not exactly criminal in nature, the behavior is grossly unethical and there are real examples where it can actually lead to a course in legal action, such as a lawsuit.

While there’s a chance plagiarism may have been committed unintentionally due to various reasons, including ignorance, we should never give the perpetrators reasons to continue what they’re doing. It’s still WRONG, and they must be stopped. The best thing to do in such a case is to alert (confront) the writer whom you suspect may have committed the plagiarism and/or to notify the original author. Conversely, please don’t hesitate to let me know if you think I might have plagiarized someone else’s work, as that will be the last thing I want to do.

BUT if the act is committed repeatedly, such as the one I mentioned in the beginning of my post, you have every reason to believe that it’s deliberate.

If you want to educate yourself more about the subject–as I certainly do–you can refer to the wikipedia. More definitions and references can also be found here.

This last message is ONLY for those who feel offended by this post:

You know who you are.

And the only reason why you feel offended is because you’re the guilty party.

Go ahead scour my blog and fish for inspirations, or whatever you call it.

Isn’t that why you’re here in the first place?

Oh don’t bother trying to deny it.

It just proves the kind of person you are: a blood-sucking leech that has no regards for other people’s feelings.

Hiatus Aftermath Rambling & Love So Life Spoiler

Happy Tuesday everyone (or early Wednesday to those of you in the other part of the world)

Can you believe it that July is going to end soon? Then before we know it, summer will be over. Time sure flies. A few week have passed since I came back from my vacation, yet I haven’t accomplished much with regard to my writing and still haven’t finished responding to all the comments and messages. I really am sorry for taking long. Unfortunately with so much going on, I can’t promise things would improve anytime soon. Rest assured, I’ll address each one of your comments. In addition, I’ve not forgotten about “Awakening” and “All I Want”. Whenever I could, I would write a bit here and there. My goal is to release one chapter by end of the month. And there are also a few posts I need to finish for the blog, continuing the ongoing analysis on the manga/anime. BTW, if there’s a specific scene from the manga you think a bit vague and you’d like to discuss and have it translated from the original Japanese tankoubon, let me know.

Moving on to a more exciting news, do you remember Love So Life, a manga I recommended back in 2003 in this post? At that time, I mentioned the series was currently running in Japan. Guess what? The series is finished now. The final chapter was recently released in Japan. I skimmed through it, and I’m happy to say I like the ending, very very much. It’s a good one, really good, with no ambiguity whatsoever. I highly recommend this adorable series. It’s one of those series that can literally put a smile on your face, even in a gloomy day. And … have I told you how the OTP, Seiji & Shiharu, their personalities and situations remind me of Albert and Candy, complete with the age gap, subtle development, and all? And how I’ve considered them as the Japanese Albert & Candy of the modern era? 😀

For those who are curious here is a tiny peek of the final chapter. Beware major spoiler alert!


There’s a light novel version of the series! Although the writer is not Kaede Kouchi, it’s as adorable as the manga. Even better, it’s told from the hero POV, from Seiji. He’s too cute at times 🙂

I wish Mizuki would’ve done something like this for the novel. She could’ve retold the story from Albert’s POV. Now that would be something I would be eager to invest.

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Update: All I Want Chapter 8 (PG-13)

All I Want For Christmas

All I Want (9212 words) by forever
AO3 | FF
Chapters: 8/?
Fandom: Candy Candy
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Albert/Candy
Characters: William Albert Andrew, Candice White
Additional Tags: Romance, Modern Era, Alternate Universe, Prequel, Fluff and Angst

Power and wealth amount to nothing when it comes to love, and nobody knows that better than William Albert Andrew, a man of eminent rank in the business world. Yet he will stop at nothing when a second chance at an old love appears. Can he right the wrong he did in the past and finally grasp the love he once lost?

Update: All I Want Chapter 7 (PG-13)

All I Want For Christmas

All I Want (6521 words) by forever
AO3 | FF
Chapters: 7/?
Fandom: Candy Candy
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Albert/Candy
Characters: William Albert Andrew, Candice White
Additional Tags: Romance, Modern Era, Alternate Universe, Prequel, Fluff and Angst

Power and wealth amount to nothing when it comes to love, and nobody knows that better than William Albert Andrew, a man of eminent rank in the business world. Yet he will stop at nothing when a second chance at an old love appears. Can he right the wrong he did in the past and finally grasp the love he once lost?