Ninety Days MV and Writing Updates and other stuffs

I hope you enjoy the newest AIWFC drabble that I posted yesterday, a small treat from me to you.

Next on my list is Chasing WA. I apologize for not being able to deliver the first chapter as promised before my hiatus. But I’m optimistic I can post it by this weekend. Prior to that, I would like to introduce you to my co-author for the series, the lovely Lezti Bella. As I mentioned previously, this project is very unique as it is a collaboration between two authors. Lezti and I have different writing styles and this alone will surely make the project interesting. So stay tuned for a post from her.

Also, I have just restarted watching the anime adaptation of Candy Candy. If you’re interested, you can check my tumblr to read my thoughts about each episode. You can also join me and share your thoughts, if you’d like. 😀

Update: I decided to blog about my anime watching here and cross post it to my tumblr instead.

Last but not least, as for Ninety Days… The next chapter of Ninety Days will be the conclusion of “Two Hearts” before we move on to the next and final part of the series. I’ll start working on the chapter next week, and will do my best to post the first part by next weekend. In the mean time, I will leave you with the beautiful Ninety Days MV made by my dear, super talented friend, Lorena Rowe. Please enjoy 🙂

Update: Chasing William Andrew, AIWFC, and Ninety Days

To those of you who are wondering: Yes, I’m still here. I apologize for the lack of updates and replies, but these few weeks have been hectic at best, and I haven’t had the time to write anything at all. Unfortunately, I have to inform you that I’m going to take another hiatus at least until end of June. However, before my hiatus, which will start in the first week of June, I plan to release several things that hopefully can tide you over. 😀

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