Friday Mini Rambling

Happy Friday everyone!

poll2So here’s the current standing from the poll. Albert from Ninety Days is winning but not by a land slide. Interestingly, Albert from Spring Fling is the one that is holding the second place. I didn’t expect this at all. I thought Fairy Tale and AIWFC will be on the top. Hmm… since Albert from Spring Fling seems to be quite popular, now I wonder if I should write a sequel for that story or something. Actually, the idea for a sequel for Spring Fling passed through my mind a while back but I decided to shelve it and focused on my main projects instead (FT and ND). Maybe I can revisit the idea now. πŸ˜‰

On another note, my daily writing exercise hasn’t been going too well due to various reasons mostly related to real life situations. But I will not give up. I will keep going. I’ll just write whenever I can. And speaking of writing, I think I’m overdue for another AIWFC drabble. I’ll try to do one and hopefully can post it by the weekend.

Lastly, as I mentioned earlier, I plan to move my tumblr Candy Candy related posts to WP, and now I finally have time to do this tonight.

Mini Rambling, New Poll, Old Poll, Etc.

There’s no update this week since, admittedly, I’ve been distracted by another series. And the funny thing is that the series is nothing like the shiny, fluffy romance that usually attracts me. Well, once in a while, it does happen when I deviate from my own preference – especially if the premise is intriguing enough. Okay, enough about that – if you’re interested you can check out a snapshot of my tumblr archive below. But don’t worry. My focus is still in finishing Ninety Days – and it will happen before the year ends for sure. πŸ˜‰

After reading some of the comments for my stories, I’ve noticed one thing. All of you seem to adore Albert more than Candy. Hehehe…. No surprise there.

faces of WAA

Anyway, now that the old poll is officially closed, I want to do another one. This time I want to do a fun oneΒ  – related to our favorite protagonist, Albert. From all the characters in the story, I think his is the least developed one. This is partly because of Mizuki’s portrayal of him that makes him appear two dimensional, more like a side character than a main character – even though it’s understandable for Mizuki to do this, as she wants to keep the suspense. This, in turn, creates a great opportunity for me and other writers to re-interpret his character, in a believable way, filling in all the gaps without deviating too much from the template that has been set by Mizuki. I’ve written a couple of stories with him already as the main protagonist, and I also notice that there are differences (some subtle, some not) between the way he is depicted in each story. So I wonder which depiction you like the most.

As for the old poll, the result hasn’t changed that much since the last time. Once again, I want to thank everyone who has participated in the poll. It’s good to know that most of us are aligned with respect to our preference. And the winner is still fluffy romance, which is good since most of my stories are fluffy anyway. πŸ™‚

pollresult My tumblr archive snapshot. 90%+ is non-CC stuffs. SnK fandom is taking me by the storm, but the series is so interesting despite the lack of romance.


Find me on tumblr

You can find me on tumblr now


My tumblr will be filled with a mishmash of things I don’t usually post here. Posts related to my interests, hobbies, general writings, etc. You can expect to see more images and posts – my own posts or reblogged posts. And the update will be frequent. In addition, all my wordpress posts will be cross posted to my tumblr account.

Click the link below to go to my tumblr

Beautiful Illusion tumblr
