Candy Candy Anime Rambling: Fashion in the Candy Candy Anime by Lucia R.

Happy Friday, all! I’m excited not only because the weekend  is upon us but also for this post, a brand new article published after months of drought. And I’m even more excited to say that it was written by my … Continue reading

Candy Candy Manga vs Anime Part 1: Annie, Pony Home, and Prince on the Hill

CC-Manga-collage-wpiWhen I decided to commence yet another round of reading the manga (while watching the anime), I didn’t think I would be heavily invested in the efforts nor did I think I would make any new observation/finding, considering how familiar I am with the story.

Let’s just say I couldn’t be more wrong. But this is what makes it interesting and gives me that little pull and tug to continue reading and watching (and scrutinizing and analyzing).

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Candy Candy Episode 3: “A Good-Bye from the Carriage”

I finally had the time (and motivation) to continue my anime watching. I was stuck in episode 4 forever since last year or maybe even the year before. Yep. It was that bad. Lack of time and lack of motivation were the causes, I think.

At the same time, as I mentioned in another post, I began another round of reading of the manga and will blog about it in a different post. I welcome anyone to join me in my watching and reading so that we could have a (thought provoking) discussion, picking and dissecting the series to pieces to our hearts content. So don’t be shy. 😀

Back to episode 3…

Episode 3 is still focused on the friendship between Candy and Annie, but we see more characters development in this one.

CCAnime-Ep3-SC.38 AM-002Candy, Annie, and the rest of the children at Pony Home are surprised by Mr. Brighton’s sudden visit. He even prepares BBQ for the kids, something Candy and Annie were gushing about earlier as they relate their story of spending the time at Mr. Brighton’s place to their friends.

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Candy & Annie: Happy Time in Pony Hill

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Source: Candy Candy The Movie, Toei Animation, 1992
Gif made by me, please DO NOT COPY AND REPOST without permission.

Synopsis from animeplanet:
At twelve years old, Candice White (otherwise known as Candy) is the oldest remaining child at the Pony’s Orphanage. With her spirits held high, Candy dreams of the day a wonderful family will take her home; and on one fateful day, it seems her dream has come true… or has it? Instead of joining a family, Candy is adopted to be a companion for the snobby daughter of a wealthy household. Now, our young heroine sets off to join her new family and experience the joys of first love and the heartbreak of cruelty. Whatever the case, her life will never be the same!

My short rambling:
Accurate depiction of Annie (the blond hair). Too short. Doesn’t follow original storyline. Too short. Animation is definitely better than the TV series anime. And did I mention how short this is?

Gif making is a new skill I recently acquired, and I enjoy it immensely. So I think I’ll make more CC gif, especially now that I know gifs can work on wp. Expect more updates soon. 😀

Candy Candy Episode 2: “Take off! Adventuring Together!”

I’m still motivated to continue watching the anime. But I have to say that episode 2 isn’t as moving as the first one – I was mostly annoyed with Candy to be able to enjoy the show.

The episode focuses on the friendship between Candy and Annie.

[Diclonius]_Candy_Candy_002_[A407EF0E]_Jun 25, 2013 10.07.58 PMNoticing Annie’s gloominess, Candy takes Annie to sneak out of the orphanage and go on a picnic.

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Candy Candy Episode 1: “A Pretty Lasso-Wielding Girl”

So I did it. I watched the first episode. And it’s not bad at all. Now I remember why I had been so taken by the series even right from the very beginning.

[Diclonius]_Candy_Candy_001_[B6B304BD]_Jun 24, 2013 10.06.39 PMPony’s home orphanage during winter. This is where the story begins.

[Diclonius]_Candy_Candy_001_[B6B304BD]_Jun 24, 2013 10.08.46 PMOutside the orphanage with the snow still falling, Sister Lane and Miss Pony find baby Annie and baby Candy tucked in bassinets, after hearing their loud cries.

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