Precious Gift

“I’ve never been happier than during the time I’ve lived with you.
Your smile alone can brighten my day. You’ve given me hope, joy, and love.
And those are more precious than anything others have given me, anything I’ve owned.”

William Albert Andrew – Ninety Days

Here is a sneak peek of something I’m working on (won’t elaborate more), a small pre-Christmas treat 😉

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Update: Ninety Days Teaser

CAcover-NDflowerAs promised here is the teaser of the epilogue I posted previously on tumblr.

But the one posted here is not exactly like the one in tumblr–some parts were added some removed. 😉

Before you proceed, please note that this contains major SPOILER. So if you don’t like spoilers, don’t continue, as simple as that. Otherwise, please enjoy.


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Ninety Day Epilogue Teaser

Here you go a small treat for you. A new ND teaser 😀


Please be gentle with him, William. He’s only a kid and he didn’t know who you were.

Sarah – I know how to best handle my nephew. You don’t need to worry.

William, please…

By the way, George should inform you soon about all the details pertaining to the Florida resort project. Now, if you’d excuse me I have a meeting I need to attend.

Good afternoon, Neil.

Uncle William… Good afternoon.

Let me explain myself.

Please have a seat, Neil. There’s no need for you to be nervous. Aren’t we family?

Yes… We are.

Please forgive me, uncle. I’m sorry… I’m so sorry. I promise to never bother Candy ever again. I promise to stop slacking. I’ll do anything-pushing paper for the rest of my life- but please don’t send me to war. I don’t want to die.

Get up Neil. Please remember everything you told me just know. I expect that you honor your words. I’m giving you a chance to prove to me that you are worthy to be a part of this family. Show me that you’re a man of honor and integrity. Go to Boston and enroll in the university. You have four years to complete your study and obtain a bachelor degree in the field of your choice, preferably in business administration.

Boston. That’s where Archie is…

Yes, Archie is there. Aside from schooling, he is also training at our company’s branch. And I strongly advise you do the same. So what do you say?

Do I have a choice?

Of course… If you wish to sever all your ties to this family, then you are free to do whatever you want to do.

Fine… I’ll go to Boston.

Very well. I will ask Stuart to make all the necessary arrangements, and I will assign him to be your personal assistant while you are in Boston.

I appreciate your thoughtfulness, uncle, but that won’t be necessary. I can-

I insist, Neil. You will find his assistance to be most useful.

I understand. Thank you. If there’s nothing else, I shall take my leave now.

One last thing. About Candy. I request you stop addressing her solely by her name. She’s to be my wife soon. So you should be more respectful to your future aunt. And I will not tolerate anymore misbehavior from you. Is that clear?

Yes, uncle.

That’s all I have. Now you may leave.

Master Neil.

What is it, George?

The investigation report has not been released to public, but our intelligence suspect this wasn’t a suicide.

A premeditated murder. You don’t suppose this is connected to Milton’s shady deals.

I believe so. It appears that Mr. Milton was planning to leave Chicago quietly, possibly relocating to California. His wife and kids had departed the city a few days ago, and around the same time, our intelligence noted a rather suspicious properties transaction near San Francisco, which later was revealed to be executed under his wife’s maiden name.

I see… So he knew he was the target and tried everything he could to protect his family even though the outcome was a tragic one. This makes me worried… I don’t want to take any chances. Please make sure Aunt Elroy and Candy are well protected. Send more men to guard the Lakewood properties if necessary.

Yes sir.


Hmm…. Okay that’s it. An excerpt of random dialogues from the next chapter.  I hope that would whet your appetite slightly. 😉

Yes, I’ve begun jotting down for the next chapter and I’ve made some progress, not much, but still a progress.

Announcement: Moving (again?) and Ninety Days Epilogue Teaser

Sooo… After some deliberation and contemplation and more weighing, I’ve finally come to the decision. I’m moving to tumblr. I will still keep this blog though, but this will serve more as an archive site than an active blog, which means the updates will be scarce. You can follow me on tumblr if you want to keep up with the updates. I will post the new chapter there and move all the fics (revamped and re-edited) there.

The reason why I decided to move to tumblr is so that I can update more frequently. Some of you may know that I’m quite active on tumblr. By consolidating my blogs under one interface (tumblr), I don’t have to switch between blogs to update. And I like tumblr interface and flexibility more than WP. Plus uploading img with tumblr is 10X simpler than WP. The drawback about using tumblr is that you do need to follow me to be able to contact me through messages/asks. There’s no general comment feedback you can use like in WP. But it’s simple enough, and I’m sure you’ll be able to manage just fine.

Worth to note, this tumblr site isn’t the same as my main tumblr blog. This is a side blog, and the content will focus on writing, CC stuffs, and other shoujo/romance topics, so I’ll keep my gushing about other fandoms to a minimum 😀

That being said, I hope you understand my decision. And…

Hope to see you soon at my new home 😀

If you’re ready to check out my new home, just click the image, and you’ll be there.

Beautiful Illusion


P.S  You can check out a tiny teaser for ND epilogue in my tumblr blog – consider it as a welcoming gift from me at my new ‘home’ 😀

My Scribble Pad 5: Alternate Ending to Ninety Days (UW) (PG-13)

Fandom: Candy Candy

Rating: T

Characters: Albert and Candy

Summary: Alternate ending to Ninety Days.

Note: I feel so guilty for having neglected to work on my ongoing Candy Candy works. Alas my inspiration seems to have run dry, and my motivation bucket is running low. I don’t know if this can compensate for a fraction of my terrible offense, but I would like to offer this to you anyway.

Please keep in mind that this is not a complete (well developed) writing piece at all – it’s actually only a sketch plot with skimpy details and choppy paragraphs. So please don’t take it seriously.

The idea came to me last year near Christmas time when I contemplated on writing a Christmas story. At that time, I thought how similar the plot in DDL (Daddy Long Legs) to the original CC storyline (the part about the secret benefactor) and wanted to incorporate DDL into a CC fanfic somehow. As I began to plot the chapter, I noticed I could easily merge the story with Ninety Days. So I scraped out my plan to write the Christmas story (I ended up writing a completely different story: AIWFC) and wrote this as an extension to Ninety Days. If you remember in “Taming Desire” Candy fell asleep waiting for Albert, now imagine that instead of the scene where Albert came home late and she woke up when he carried her, the scene unfolds as described in the sketch plot below.

With that being said, if you’re still interested, please proceed. Otherwise, you can wait until I upload a proper chapter or a drabble. Thank you again for your patience.

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News and Updates

I’m back from hiatus. Finally. After a week of fighting a severe jet lag and another week of wrestling with cold bugs, I’m back.

I know that I owe you a lot of updates, which includes: epilogue of Ninety Days, second part of the AIWFC drabble, new chapter of Chasing William Andrew, and so on.

I have to admit that it has been challenging for me to get back to writing, but eventually, after some struggling, I somehow managed to start writing again. That’s the good news. The not so good news is that unfortunately the writing that I’ve been doing is not related to my ongoing series – I’ll talk more about this later. But don’t fret, I will put an extra effort to publish at least the second part of the drabble before working on the epilogue. My goal is to finish this epilogue by end of year for sure.

Now, going back to my writing, I officially have branched out writing into other fandom (you might notice this already if you follow me on tumblr). After some deliberation (along with a suggestion from a dear friend), I’ve decided to post my works here too as part of My Scribble Pad project. So if you have the time, please read it, and let me know what you think. I hope you would still find my writing entertaining, despite it not being a Candy Candy story. 🙂

To those of you who have messaged me and left comments, I will respond to your comments and message soon, so please bear with me.

And last but not least, I just want to say thank you again for being so patient with me. Rest assured, I don’t plan to abandon any of my stories.

Friday Mini Rambling

Happy Friday everyone!

poll2So here’s the current standing from the poll. Albert from Ninety Days is winning but not by a land slide. Interestingly, Albert from Spring Fling is the one that is holding the second place. I didn’t expect this at all. I thought Fairy Tale and AIWFC will be on the top. Hmm… since Albert from Spring Fling seems to be quite popular, now I wonder if I should write a sequel for that story or something. Actually, the idea for a sequel for Spring Fling passed through my mind a while back but I decided to shelve it and focused on my main projects instead (FT and ND). Maybe I can revisit the idea now. 😉

On another note, my daily writing exercise hasn’t been going too well due to various reasons mostly related to real life situations. But I will not give up. I will keep going. I’ll just write whenever I can. And speaking of writing, I think I’m overdue for another AIWFC drabble. I’ll try to do one and hopefully can post it by the weekend.

Lastly, as I mentioned earlier, I plan to move my tumblr Candy Candy related posts to WP, and now I finally have time to do this tonight.

Mini Rambling, New Poll, Old Poll, Etc.

There’s no update this week since, admittedly, I’ve been distracted by another series. And the funny thing is that the series is nothing like the shiny, fluffy romance that usually attracts me. Well, once in a while, it does happen when I deviate from my own preference – especially if the premise is intriguing enough. Okay, enough about that – if you’re interested you can check out a snapshot of my tumblr archive below. But don’t worry. My focus is still in finishing Ninety Days – and it will happen before the year ends for sure. 😉

After reading some of the comments for my stories, I’ve noticed one thing. All of you seem to adore Albert more than Candy. Hehehe…. No surprise there.

faces of WAA

Anyway, now that the old poll is officially closed, I want to do another one. This time I want to do a fun one  – related to our favorite protagonist, Albert. From all the characters in the story, I think his is the least developed one. This is partly because of Mizuki’s portrayal of him that makes him appear two dimensional, more like a side character than a main character – even though it’s understandable for Mizuki to do this, as she wants to keep the suspense. This, in turn, creates a great opportunity for me and other writers to re-interpret his character, in a believable way, filling in all the gaps without deviating too much from the template that has been set by Mizuki. I’ve written a couple of stories with him already as the main protagonist, and I also notice that there are differences (some subtle, some not) between the way he is depicted in each story. So I wonder which depiction you like the most.

As for the old poll, the result hasn’t changed that much since the last time. Once again, I want to thank everyone who has participated in the poll. It’s good to know that most of us are aligned with respect to our preference. And the winner is still fluffy romance, which is good since most of my stories are fluffy anyway. 🙂

pollresult My tumblr archive snapshot. 90%+ is non-CC stuffs. SnK fandom is taking me by the storm, but the series is so interesting despite the lack of romance.


Update : Ninety Days and It’s More Than A Fairy Tale

I hope you like the penultimate chapter of Ninety Days: Two Hearts. It’s a long chapter with a lot of events happening within the short time frame. Albert is definitely moving fast, and 23 days still left from the 90-day period, he and Candy are already engaged. 🙂

On a similar note, I’m happy to say that the final chapter of Ninety Days is on its way. However, I don’t know when it’s actually going to be ready. Since this is the final installment, which also serves as the epilogue, I want to make sure that I can wrap this up nicely to bring a satisfying conclusion to the story, so it may take longer than usual.

Now that Ninety Days is at its final phase, I can start allocating my time to my other projects. Recently, my inspiration for It’s More Than a Fairy Tale is slowly coming back. And I know a lot of you have been waiting for the continuation of the story. Guess what? After some thinking, I’ve decided that I will focus on this story after Ninety Days is finished. Don’t fret. This doesn’t mean that I will abandon the other projects; I will still continue writing AIWFC drabble series and Chasing William Andrew. I might even write oneshot or minific (or even a sequel to Ninety Days). When the plot bunny strikes, there’s nothing that can stop it. 😀

Lastly, to commemorate this blog’s one year anniversary, there will be special posts coming soon.

So stay tuned. 🙂