Random Rambling

My apology for the lack of updates. I’ve been out of town the last few weeks, so it has been difficult to work on anything. Way too many distractions.

But I’m pleased to say that I could still manage to sneak in a bit time here and there to keep writing. Heh! That’s the perk of using my phone for my writing. I can write anytime as long as I have the phone with me. I especially find it useful for capturing ideas that suddenly spring into my mind. I can jot them down right away without having to wait until I have access to my laptop. However just like any system, it’s not perfect. It comes with its own set of limitations. Since the platform that I’m using is a very primitive one—it’s just a simple note program without any real word processing capability—editing can be quite challenging. In addition, the small screen and the nonexistent keyboard for typing are not exactly forgiving and can lead to various ailments, from blurry eyes to strained wrist and hands. Oh well, at least it works for me now.

Speaking of writing, I decided to release Awakening in shorter segments. Hopefully by doing it this way it would facilitate the writing process as well as make it easier to read. Because way too many times, I’ve found myself trapped in a chapter that refuses to be written to completion. Sheessh…. sometimes I wish I could write shorter chapters. Anyway, chapter 12 is almost ready. Yes. Really 😀

One final thing before I sign off, in my last post I mentioned about the problem I’m currently encountering with Reverie security issue. Unfortunately, I have no good news to share since I barely had a chance to work to resolve the issue. Hence, for a short period, I will allow public access to the restricted manga rambling articles. I will post an announcement to inform you of the article that will be featured. Only one article will be posted per week, and each will be available for access only for a week. So you may want to keep an eye on them.

That’s all for now. I’m hopeful I’ll be able to post a more substantial update soon. This week is shaping up to be less hectic than the previous ones, and that should provide me with a bit more free time. However, next week is going to be bad, very bad. I guess I’ll just keep moving forward at whatever pace that’ll work and continue writing.

Till next time,


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