Quick Night Rambling

I don’t have much free time at the moment, as it’s the middle of the week and I’m quite exhausted after a long hard day’s work while another one is already lurking in the back, ready to pounce on me as soon as the day springs up tomorrow. Hence, I need to retire to bed soon, or else I won’t be able to wake up on time.

But I would like to share the good news with you.

First, I’ve finished translating all the letters between Albert and Candy from the novel. Yay! I can’t believe it myself, but I was able to sail through the rest of the letters without any problem, other than the usual struggles with particles and modifiers, which can change the tone of the phrase drastically. I’m currently reviewing and editing the translated letters to ensure they’re accurate and make perfect sense in English, as there were some parts that were translated literally but sounded really awkward in English. With respect to the content, as I found with the other letters I previously translated, these ones also contain more interesting tidbits that are not mentioned in CCFS. I’m contemplating to do a head-to-head comparison of the letters of the novel vs. CCFS. I thought that may be a topic of interest for some of you avid CC fans. Yes? 😀

I plan to publish all the letters eventually, which will conclude my first translation project—the correspondence between Albert and Candy from Candy Candy Original Novel. I thought I wouldn’t be able to complete them by end of the year. So I’m patting myself on the back for that feat. At this rate, I’m considering to extend the project longer, translating the other letters as well. One that I think will be interesting to dig further is the letter Candy addressed to Anthony, which, along with the ones designated for Terry and Susanna, can be found in chapter 6, prior to Albert and Candy’s Correspondence in volume 3, the last volume of the novel. The title of the chapter is “Unsent Letters”.

Second, chapter 12 of Awakening is almost ready for release. Once it’s beta-ed and polished, it will be published. Since I’ve made you wait long enough, I’ll give you a sneak peek a day prior, but for the full version you have to read either in FF or Reverie 😀

Third, chapter 12 of All I Want is stewing. My target is to post this by end of next week, but we’ll see whether I’ll be able to achieve that. This week has been extremely busy for me that I haven’t had any time nor the energy to do anything that requires deep concentration, such as writing.

Last, yes, I know you must all have been wondering what happens with Forever and a Day. Sorry. I decided to postpone the update until all the chapters have been published in FF. Rest assured, chapter 5 is ready to be released.

Phew! That’s quite a bit of updates…

Surely, those will keep me tied up for a while. Hopefully, they’ll do the same for you as well.

Till next time,


Update and Progress

Guess what?

Before I elaborate further, read the following passages:

“Somehow, it seems like I was mesmerized by your marvelous eyes.”

“If you were going to be this busy, it would’ve been better for you not to reveal yourself, isn’t it, “Little Bert”?”

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Candy Candy Novel Rambling Part II: A Long Period of Courtship?

If you read my letter 2 rambling, you know that I think Albert is courting Candy through their correspondence. How long do you think their courtship lasts? Going back to the final scene of the manga, we see Albert presenting … Continue reading

Candy Candy Novel Rambling Part I: The End of the Manga = The Beginning of a Courtship?

Here you go, the first update. A short rambling on our favorite subject. Umm… Okay, maybe that’s not completely true. To some of you, this may be a brand new article you’ve never read before, but to some of you, … Continue reading