Random Writing Rant

I can’t believe that the week has flown by so fast, and the new week has just commenced. Has it felt like time has been moving faster and faster? That’s probably a good reminder that we should spend our time wisely, whenever possible devoting it to our loved ones.

Finally, I can say that I almost regain my health. My voice is mostly back to normal now, not hoarse or croaky anymore. No more fever, headaches, body aches, and all kinds of aches. The pesky sniffles and occasional coughing are still there though. But those aren’t so bad. I can manage to function with them, for now.

As I mentioned in the previous post, because of the flu I was able to do some writing. That’s good, of course. But somehow the plot bunnies have come out in droves. LOL. I guess it’s true when they say “when it rains it pours.” I know I shouldn’t complain, especially after being inflicted by the super extended dry spell that forced me to go into hiatus.

Still, it’s a bit overwhelming as I attempted to tackle writing 3 stories at the same time. Apart from featuring Albert and Candy as the protagonists, all 3 are completely different in tone, narrative style, and underlying plot and premise. It surely presented a dilemma. But this problem is nothing new for seasoned and amateur writers alike. I’ve even ranted about it once in 2014. (But can you believe it? 2014? That’s like 4 years ago! Although my last update wasn’t that far backβ€”it was in 2016. So that was 2 years ago. Not that bad ;))

Initially I wanted to concentrate on one story at a time, in particular All I Want, as only a few chapters remaining for the prequel section. But somehow that didn’t work out so well. So I decided to just write based on which plot bunny stories came out and played that day. It was still challenging. There was a time when all 3 decided to jump out of their hiding places, causing me to frantically typing right and left. To be honest, I don’t think this will drag on for a long period of time; there’s even a very low probability for it to make it past summer. For that reason, I should take advantage of it as much as I can and keep the momentum going while it’s still there. This means there will be updates, but they maybe scattered across different stories and perhaps some other form of writings β€”I just want to give you a fair warning πŸ˜€

I’ve also been contemplating about releasing chapters in small portions, which is something I had done in the past before with Ninety Days. Now that I’m back to work, perhaps I should really do that, as the time I can dedicate to writing has dwindled significantly.

Anyway, here are the 3 stories on the top of my list that I’m currently working on:

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Status of Updates

Happy Tuesday (or Wednesday to those on the other side of the world)!

I hope your week is going well so far.

My apology for not posting for more than a week.

The reason is the following:

Work and family events plus lots of traveling = exhaustion = no time to dedicate to any leisure activities.

These past weeks, I guess I must have been pushing myself a bit too hard. Now I’m stuck at home for the rest of the week, fighting extremely vicious flu bug. Fever, persistent coughing, runny nose, sneezing, wheezing, yep all those nasty symptoms, I experience them all. Joy πŸ€’πŸ˜·πŸ€§

The good news is since I’ve been strapped to bed with no work tasks and deadlines to badger me and no duty or obligation to worry about, I have plenty of idle time. Amazingly, the inspiration well that has been completely empty for so long is running again, new ideas trickling in by the minute. I suppose my being sick is not so bad after all, if it somehow managed to rouse my dormant creative cells πŸ˜‰

So what have I been working on? Everything. OK, maybe not quite everything. But I’ve gone through all the incomplete stories that are on the top of my list, such as All I Want, Forever and a Day, and Awakening. Yes, Awakening. Finally, there’s progress. I don’t know when I can release it but at least I’m moving in the right direction. I know many of you have been begging for an update for that particular series. All I can say is that I’ll do my best. In the meanwhile, chapter 11 of All I Want is nearly ready to be released. Not too far behind that, there is chapter 5 of Forever and a Day. So stay tuned for those.

On a different note, I want to apologize for those who are waiting for the Reverie account activation. I haven’t had time to process any of the requests. But I plan to perform some maintenance works on the blog very soon. So I could probably review and activate the accounts at the same time.

Till next time,


Midweek Update Special

Happy V day!

Are you planning to do anything special tonight to celebrate with your loved ones?

As for me, nothing out of the ordinary has been planned. The day falls in the middle of the week, so we’ll be too busy and too exhausted for a night out in the town. We’ll postpone the real celebration to the weekend.

For those who will celebrate V day tonight, enjoy.

As for the rest of us, I’ve prepared a small treat for you. Yep, it’s an update.

I’ve been working on this since last weekend to make sure I’ll be able to release it today. I’m happy that I’ve managed to accomplish that target. Although, it’s a tad late as I wanted to post it early in the morning so that those of you who live in the eastern hemisphere can still get it before the V day ends. Oh well, better late than never, right? πŸ˜‰

Anyway, I hope you would enjoy the treat. It’s Chapter 10 of All I Want

Even though it’s not much, I hope it could tide you over a bit. I know that some of you have been waiting forever for me to update this story. Once again, my sincerest apology for the long delay. I’ll do my best to deliver as much as I can, but I can’t promise new chapters will keep flowing. Then again, I’m somewhat motivated to continue writing. So, at least that’s one positive news we all can get behind 😊

Till next time,


Weekend Updates

See? I told you that it wouldn’t be too long before I return with the updates πŸ™‚

Here are the updates:

  • All I Want – Chapter 9 is out! Chapter 10 will be out soon. A few minor revisions on Chapter 8.
  • Awakening – Revised Chapter 1 and 2 are available. Chapter 3 will be next.
  • Forever and a Day – No new upload. But parts of Chapter 1 and 2 have been revised. More revision is underway.

What’s coming next?

  • As I continue revisiting old chapters and stories, expect more revised versions to be released in the coming days. For the time being, revised versions can only be found in Reverie. But eventually I do plan to post them on ff.net and AO3 as well.
  • Non-Candy Candy fanfiction/stories. I removed all of my stories that are not CC centric from this site and ff.net more than a year ago when Reverie was created. But now that Reverie is up and running, I will upload them in there soon.

That’s all for now.

Once again, thank you for bearing with me despite my long, unannounced absence. I’m grateful for you being extremely patient with me. I know this is not much at all, but it’s a start. So I hope you would enjoy it somehow.

Till next time,


PS – For those of you who had submitted requests to obtain a Reverie account and have been wondering: I plan to review and process all the new requests next week during the long weekend. I’ll make an announcement once the process has been completed and the activation email notification has been sent out. So please wait a little longer as I’m slowly but surely bringing myself up to speed.

Updates and stuff

Happy weekend πŸ™‚

Hope your week had gone well. Mine was so so. But, hey! It’s the weekend!

I won’t pester you with my boring rambling. So shall we move on to the updates?

Updates for the main site (this site):

1. Google translate capability has been added. So now you can translate the page and read it in your preferred language. The toggle bar can be found on top of the search window.

Updates for Reverie (sister repository site):

1. Due to various system management issues, registration is closed until further notice. New requests will not be processed. However, requests submitted prior to this week will be reviewed; once approved and activated, account activation notification will be sent via email.

2. Access to translation sections and pages has been temporarily disabled. Stories and articles are still accessible, but please note that some of the articles are restricted and require active account for access.

3. Same as the main site, Google translate capability has been added. Now you can translate the page and read it in your preferred language. The toggle bar can be found near the bottom of the page. Scroll all the way down from the main page to access it.

4. Bulletin board is up! It’s a forum-style message and discussion board. This is the place to look for updates and other information related to the site, including technical support. This is also the place for general discussion of different topics. Registered users and visitors have full access to the board. The board can be accessed from the home page or the menu and side bars. Please use the board to report any technical issues. The main purpose of the bulletin board is to facilitate communicate between us. So please make us of it whenever you can.

5. For ease of navigation, the bottom sidebar has been updated with Menu, Recent Comments, and Excerpts from the main site sections.

That’s all for now. I hope I didn’t overwhelm you with the updates. But please do not hesitate to let me know if you have any questions.

As for content updates, I have a few in the works. But they’re not quite ready yet. Almost. So stay tuned πŸ˜‰


Still alive and well

Yep, it’s me. I’m still here…

Words cannot express how sorry I am for having neglected the sites for such a long time, yet again. I’ll spare you from the incessant rambling about my predicament. It’s nothing new. We’ve all been there. Let’s just say real life has been challenging.

I understand if some of you have gone tired of waiting and given up completely. I don’t blame you. I’m the one at fault here. Whether you’re still here or not, I do want to thank you for everything, especially for the outpouring of support and encouragement through the messages and emails. I appreciate them from the bottom of my heart. That being said, I can’t promise I’ll update the sites frequently, but I can assure you that I have all the intention to keep them runningβ€”and, believe it or not, to finish all my stories.

Speaking of updates, the sites have undergone some changes recently and more are coming, including few major ones for Reverie. Some of you might have noticed it, some not. I’ll talk about all the changes and updates in a separate post.



Weekend Updates

Thank you for being so patient with me.

Here are a few stories to keep you entertained during the weekend πŸ˜‰

    • All I Want –Β chapter 7-8 have been revised and posted.
    • Forever and a Day – part 4 of AΒ Not So Ordinary DayΒ is available for your reading pleasure. Please noteΒ this isn’t the entire part 4 – the day is not quite over yet for our dear hero:D So expect more pages to beΒ addedΒ in the coming days. I know I’ve been neglecting writing the footnote for some time now. I should probably work on that soon, as I’ve weaved plenty of real-lifeΒ facts and materialsΒ into the story that might not seem so familiar to you.


Enjoy πŸ™‚


Apology and a Quiz :D

I know I mentioned I would try to post something before the week ends. Unfortunately, I’ve been quite tied up with many different things this week and that had left with me with not much time to devote on the blog. But I still plan to update All I Want soon, hopefully by tonight or tomorrow. As for Forever and a Day, you need to wait a little longer for that. I need more time to refine it, so please bear with me. This should be the last part of A Not So Ordinary Day. After this we’ll switch to Candy and what she’s up to, being stuck with Aunt Elroy, in Lakewood πŸ˜‰

In the mean time, let’s play a simple guessing game. Take a look a the picture below. Does it look familiar?

Well, I’m sure you know who they are πŸ˜‰

Can you tell from which scene is this?

IfΒ you claim yourself to be an avid fan of the manga, you should be able to answer this quickly πŸ˜€

Bonus points for those who could tell what’s so special about the image.


PS – I captured another error with Reverie. Apparently if you try to leave a comment on the restricted section, your comment will be blocked and displayed incorrectly. I’ll try to rectify this ASAP, but this may take a long time. As a temporary fix to the problem, I’ll repost your comments somewhere else and answer your questions there. I’m not sure yet whether I should do this on Reverie or here though.

Reverie accounts, updates, and other things

To those of you who live in the northern hemisphere, happy autumn!

Yep, summer has officially ended for us here. And the countdown to Christmas has started. It’s less than 3 months now, and then before we know it, the new year has rolled in. Can you believe it?!!

Moving on…

My apology for the lack of updates last week. I was traveling across the country for work, so things were a bit hectic. And the fact that I forgot to bring the correct charger for my laptop didn’t help either. Yeah I know… What a silly thing to do 😳

I’m in a much better set of mind to work on the blog and other leisure stuff now, having mostly recuperated from the trip and especially the jet-lag. Even thoughΒ I’ve not had a chance to work on a new post, or do any significant amount of writing, or replying to your comments (thank you for those), I was able to activate new reverie accounts for some of you.

So to those of you who had sent me a messageΒ requesting access, you should’veΒ received an email containing your login instruction a few days ago. You may also want to check your spam folder, as the email might have ended up there. If for whatever reason you can’t locate the email, or if you have problem with the loginΒ or accessing any of the post/article, please let me know. Once again, I truly appreciate your patience in this matter.

As for updates, there will be updates. I can’t promise as to when I can post them, but I’ll try my best to have something up for this week. So stay tuned for that.

In the mean time, stay cool. I know during this time the heat can be considerably moreΒ intenseΒ than during the actual summer months. So don’t put away your summer gear and sunblock yet. It’s Indian Summer, after all.


PS –Β I’ll respond to your comments/messages shortly.

Weekend Updates

I hope your weekend is not busy because I come bearing lots of updates πŸ˜€

  • All I Want For ChristmasΒ – chapter 1 has been posted
  • All I Want – up to chapter 6 are now available, more chapters will be uploaded soon
  • Awakening – chapter 1 has been posted
  • Forever and a Day – partΒ 3 of AΒ Not So Ordinary Day has been published. Those of you who have been complaining about the lack of Albert’s POV in Awakening,Β this chapter should hopefully alleviate your frustration. From beginning to end, AΒ Not So Ordinary DayΒ is really all about AlbertΒ πŸ˜€ If you’re wondering, Candy will appear in the next chapter.
  • I’ve also fixed all the broken links in the Articles section. You should be able to access them. Although you may need an account for a few of the restricted ones.
  • The pagination system has been modified. So hopefully it’s easier to navigate now. Let me know if you run into any problem.

That’s all for now. That should keep you tied up for a while, at least until the next update.

Enjoy πŸ™‚

Till next time,
